Actas Médicas (Ecuador) is the biannual publication of the teaching doctors, academics, and researchers of the Alcívar Hospital in Guayaquil. The aim of the publication is original articles (50%) in the field related to hospital medicine in Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Traumatology, and Gynecology-obstetrics; the other 50% of publications consist of contributions of clinical cases, narrative reviews, editorials, magnets doctors from hospital areas. The target audience is specialists, resident doctors, researchers, and university professors in Internal Medicine, Surgery, Traumatology, Pediatrics, and Gynecology-obstetrics. The Revista Actas Médicas (Ecuador) is published biannually and is reviewed by blinded peers.
Current Issue
Vol. 34 No. 2 (2024): July to December 2024
Original Research
Case Reports
Proceso de Evaluación por Pares
Políticas de Costos de Publicación
Políticas de Preservación Digital
Declaración de Ética y Buenas Prácticas
Sistema de Publicación y Periodicidad
Acuerdo de licencia y copyright (derechos de autoría)