Functional results of arthroscopy treatment of degenerative shoulder pathology A single-center observational study, three years of follow-up.

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Hugo Ernesto Villarroel Rovere
Carlos Alberto Jaramillo Becerra
Gustavo Adolfo Jose Matheus Valdivieso
Gabriel Machado De La Rosa
Leshlie Janine De La Torre Mendoza


Introduction: This study aimed to determine the functional results of patients who have undergone arthroscopy for various degenerative pathologies of the shoulder.

Methods: The present observational study was carried out in the Traumatology service of the Alcívar Hospital. Between 2020 and 2022, 25 patients aged 18 to 75 who underwent arthroscopy for various shoulder pathologies were evaluated. In the follow-up, the Rowe scale was used to measure the evolution of patients with shoulder instability. The modified Constant scale was used for the other pre and post-surgical pathologies at 3 and 6 months.

Results: The average follow-up was 4 months. The average score of the preoperative Modified Constant Test was 30.9/100 points; after 3 months, it improved to 56.6/100; at 6 months, it was 92/100 points. In the Rowe test in the preoperative period, the average was 35/100 points; at the third month of recovery, it was 65.6/100 points, and 1 patient progressed up to 6 months with 75/100 points.

Conclusions: Arthroscopic surgery shows favorable results as it is minimally invasive and has shorter recovery periods.


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How to Cite
Functional results of arthroscopy treatment of degenerative shoulder pathology: A single-center observational study, three years of follow-up. (2023). Actas Médicas (Ecuador), 33(2), 85-91.
Original Research
Author Biographies

Hugo Ernesto Villarroel Rovere, Servicio de Ortopedia y Traumatología, Hospital Alcívar, Guayaquil, Ecuador.

Especialista en Traumatología y Ortopedia por la Universidad De Guayaquil (Guayaquil, 2004). Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía por la Universidad De Guayaquil. a.              Médico Ortopedista-Traumatólogo, Miembro del equipo y director del postgrado de Ortopedia y Traumatología, Hospital Alcívar, Guayaquil, Ecuador.


Carlos Alberto Jaramillo Becerra, Servicio de Ortopedia y Traumatología, Hospital Alcívar, Guayaquil, Ecuador.

Médico por la Universidad Nacional de Loja (Loja, 2002). Especialista en traumatología y ortopedia por la Universidad de Guayaquil (Guayaquil, 2013). Alta especialidad en medicina> Atención médica y quirúrgica de los padecimientos de la columna vertebral por la Universidad Nacional Autómona de México, (Distrito Federal, 2017). Jefe, Servicio de Ortopedia y Traumatología, Hospital Alcívar, Guayaquil, Ecuador.


Gustavo Adolfo Jose Matheus Valdivieso, Servicio de Ortopedia y Traumatología, Hospital Alcívar, Guayaquil, Ecuador.

Médico Cirujano por la Universidad de Los Andes (Venezuela , 2020). Especialista en Traumatología y Ortopedia por el Hospital General Del Este Dr. Domingo Luciani (Venezuela, 2020). Médico tratante del Servicio de Ortopedia y traumatología de la Clínica Alcívar.


Gabriel Machado De La Rosa, Servicio de Ortopedia y Traumatología, Hospital Alcívar, Guayaquil, Ecuador.

Médico Tratante del Servicio de Traumatología y Ortopedia Hospital Alcívar.


Leshlie Janine De La Torre Mendoza, Servicio de Ortopedia y Traumatología, Hospital Alcívar, Guayaquil, Ecuador.

Médica por la Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil, (Ecuador, 2016). Médico Residente del Servicio de Ortopedia y Traumatología, Hospital Alcívar, Guayaquil.


How to Cite

Functional results of arthroscopy treatment of degenerative shoulder pathology: A single-center observational study, three years of follow-up. (2023). Actas Médicas (Ecuador), 33(2), 85-91.

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