About the Journal
Actas Médicas (Ecuador) is the biannual publication of the teaching doctors, academics, and researchers of the Alcívar Hospital in Guayaquil. The aim of the publication is original articles (50%) in the field related to hospital medicine in Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Traumatology, and Gynecology-obstetrics; the other 50% of publications consist of contributions of clinical cases, narrative reviews, editorials, magnets doctors from hospital areas. The target audience is specialists, resident doctors, researchers, and university professors in Internal Medicine, Surgery, Traumatology, Pediatrics, and Gynecology-obstetrics. The Revista Actas Médicas (Ecuador) is published biannually and is reviewed by blinded peers. The authors retain their rights through the Creative Commons Attribution License BY-NC-SA 4.0, which allows use and redistribution, citing the source and the original author.
The journal Actas Médicas (Ecuador) was created by the board of directors of the Alcívar Hospital in June 1991. It has a historical printed edition. The electronic edition, with volume 29, will be published starting in June 2021.
Website of the publishing entity: https://hospitalalcivar.com/
Postal address of the publishing entity: Idelfonso Coronel y Mendez 2301, Guayaquil CP 090101.
This publication is aimed at the scientific community that practices hospital medicine, which includes internists, pediatricians, surgeons, traumatologists, and gynecologist-obstetricians.
SEMESTER PUBLICATION: Number 1 corresponds to the months from January to June. The second number corresponds to the editorial work from July to December. It is published the last week of each period.
ISSN: 1019-8105
DOI: 10.61284
Declaration of Ethics and Good Practices
Publication System and Periodicity
License and copyright agreement
Publication Guidelines for Authors
Scientific research and the publication of a scientific article are two closely related activities; the research ends with publication as an article in a medical journal, thus becoming part of scientific knowledge.
Villagran A, Rev Chil Pediatr. 2009;80(1):70-9
The academic and scientific achievements that gave the prestige and identified the excellence of the Alcívar Hospital were progressively achieved through the initiative and vision of Dr. Eduardo Alcívar Andretta. Since 1975, the Hospital's scientific production has been presented as keynote lectures or free topics at National or International Congresses or Courses, receiving well-deserved recognition.
Already in 1982, the Hospital had 3 Medical Office Towers, and weekly scientific meetings by specialty were promoted for the presentation and discussion of cases. Of these meetings, one that has been held uninterruptedly is that of Traumatology and Orthopedics (2 weekly scientific sessions). Currently, the monthly report of academic activities carried out within the Hospital services tells us about ten scientific meetings of specialties that are held frequently: Pediatrics Staff, Internal Medicine Staff, Critical Care Medicine Staff, Cardiology Staff, Surgery Staff, Joint Staff of Traumatology, Imaging and Physiatry, Staff of Anesthesiology and Staff of Specialties.
In 1990, the Hospital had about 101 young specialist doctors who wanted to share and present their experiences through scientific works. This took shape in the organization of the Hospital's First Medical Conference (November 1990) in commemoration of the foundation of the Hospital and paying tribute to the illustrious surgeon of the city of Guayaquil, Dr. Miguel H. Alcívar Vásquez. Since this date, the Medical Conferences have been held annually uninterruptedly and are always run by an organizing committee. In these conferences, the participants' scientific activity is submitted to a rigorous qualifying jury that awards prizes in the Free Topics and Poster categories. Currently, the academic activity of the Conference lasts two weeks, and modalities of Symposiums, Round Tables, Refresher Courses, and Workshop Courses with foreign guest specialists have been added.
After the success of the First Medical Conference in 1990, at the initiative of Dr. Eduardo Alcívar Andretta, a committee was formed to promote the publication of a scientific journal of the Hospital, this publication being nourished by the best scientific works of the Conference and selected by a committee luxury publishing. Thus, in June 1991, the first volume of this biannual publication came out. The editor-in-chief of this first magazine was the brilliant surgeon Dr. Francisco Parodi Zambrano. Then we have had as chief editors of the journal Dr. Iván Verduga Vélez, Dr. José Ignacio Hanna Jairala, and currently Dr. Mayra Ordoñez Martínez, all fulfilling the critical task of maintaining the semiannual publication and also improving the presentation and the scientific content of the journal Actas Médicas (Ecuador).
An essential academic achievement in our Hospital was the creation of medical specialty postgraduate courses, which began in 1994 with the Postgraduate Course in Traumatology and Orthopedics, thus providing young people who were enthusiastic and dedicated to scientific research, giving greater relevance to the published works. Currently, with the great support of Mr. Raúl Alcívar for the academic and scientific activities of the Hospital, the annual organization of the Medical Conferences and the semiannual publication of the journal Actas Medicas are maintained; in addition, the postgraduate specialties have increased, having six doctoral schools in the Hospital: Traumatology and Orthopedics, Emergencies and Disasters, Imaging, Anesthesiology and Pain Therapy, Critical Medicine and Cardiology. All of this sets the tone for us to move more safely to the next academic step, which is developing and publishing Procedure Protocols and Medical Specialty Books like those already published by our hospital.
Currently, decisions in the health field are based on specific research results, preferably results published in scientific journals and categorized into levels of evidence.
The Actas Medicas (Ecuador) celebrated 33 years of uninterrupted publication and constitutes our means of dissemination to publicize our experience and the scientific and technological progress we currently have in community service.
Scientific research expands our knowledge, improves the care of our patients, increases self-confidence, helps us be more rigorous, stimulates criticism, discussion, and debate, and is an example that others can imitate.
Therefore, for our benefit and that of our patients, let us continue researching and publishing and thus continue enhancing Alcívar Hospital and Ecuatorian medicine.
Dr. Hugo Villarroel Rovere